Background documents of JMN/PVCHR
Name of Organization |
Jan Mitra Nyas |
Date of Registration |
10 May, 1999 |
Registration Type |
Public Charitable Trust |
Registration No. |
1676 |
AAATJ4584A |
Tax Exemption Certificate |
12A(A)No: AAATJ4584AF20206 |
80G certificate |
Registration under FCRA |
Date of Registration |
17/03/2016 |
Registration number |
136760102 |
NitiAyog Registration |
Date of Registration |
Sep 21, 2016 |
Registration number |
UP/2016/0102234 |
Back Ground Information:
People’s Vigilance Committee on Human Rights (PVCHR) started in 1996 as a membership based human rights movement in Varanasi (Uttar Pradesh), one of the most traditional, conservative and segregated regions in India.
In 1999, PVCHR formed the public charitable trust Jan Mitra Nyas (JMN) to monitor and evaluate activities, to operate the bank account and to enable the organisation to have official clearance for receiving foreign grants. PVCHR/JMN works to ensure basic rights for marginalized groups in the Indian society, e.g. children, women, Dalits and tribes and to establish rule of law through participatory activism against extra judicial killing, police torture, hunger, bonded labour and injustice by the caste system.PVCHR/JMN ideology is inspired by the father of the Dalit movement, Dr. B. R. Ambedkar, who struggled against Brahmanism and the caste hierarchical system prevailing in India.
The initial Objectives of PVCHR were:
- The immediate and unconditional release of prisoners of conscience people detained for their beliefs or because of their ethnic origin, sex, color, language, national or social origin, economic status and, who have not used or advocated violence
- The prompt and fair trial of political prisoners
- An end to death penalty, torture and other forms of cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.
- An end to political killings and disappearances
- Eradication of slavery e.g. Child slavery and bonded systems, slavery in trafficking etc
To establish a true, vibrant and fully entrenched democratic society through Jan Mitra concept where there shall be no violation of civil rights granted to a citizen by the state.
To provide basic rights to all, to eliminate situations, which give rise to exploitation of vulnerable and marginalized groups and to start a movement for a people friendly society (Jan Mitra Samaj) through an inter-institutional approach.
Core Values:
- Equity
- Fraternity
- Non –Violence
- Participatory Democracy
- Secularism
- Justice – Rule of Law
Core Focus:
- Freedom
- Education
- Economic Empowerment
- Digital transformation
- Governance and Human Rights
Our Working Approach:
- Accurate investigation and documentation of human rights violations connected with advocacy, publication and networking on a local, national and international level
- Direct support and solidarity to marginalized and survivors in general and women, dalit, minorities, tribal, children in particular. Bringing learning of gap, challenges, and best practices for institutional reform against hegemonic masculinity.
- Creating models of non -violent and democratic communities (People friendly villages, torture-free villages)
- Building up local institutions and supporting them with active human rights networks
- Creating a democratic structure for the ‘voiceless’ to enable them access to the constitutional guarantees of modern India in context of Universal Declaration OF Human Rights (UDHR)
- Empowering marginalized communities through capacity building based on human dignity, hope, honour & justice process based organizational building and access to information
- Promoting a human rights culture, and conflict transformation for sustainable peace based on pluralistic democracy, rule of law and participatory inclusive democracy
- Linking local and international human rights together to support marginalized and survivors
- Linking grass roots activities and international human rights networks and institutions
- Practice to Policy: Peoples’ Advocacy
- Policy to Practice: THE MODEL OF JAN MITRA VILLAGE based on active listening, empathy for hope, honour and dignity
- Organization building / Capacity building
Our comprehensive programs
- Comprehensive program for survivors of torture and Organized Violence
- Comprehensive program for model villages and model
- Comprehensive program for women and children sectors
- Program for national lobby, campaign and advocacy
- Program for international solidarity, partnership and networking
Comprehensive program for survivors of torture and Organized Violence
- 1996 to till now intervened in around 7200 cases of police torture, extra judicial killing and organized violence
- In 2006 JMN / PVCHR partnered as state partner in project National Project on Preventing Torture in India” the first project on torture victims implemented with the
- In 2008 developed Testimonial Therapy in the Asian Context
- In span of 5 years (2010- 2015) developed 2096 strong cadre of Human Rights Defenders.
- In 2012 launched Detention Watch to monitor any type of detention happening with the adult and children.
- In 2014 launched the campaign “Musician Against Torture”
- Provided psycho- social support through testimonial therapy 2552 survivors of torture and organized violence.
- Rescue and Rehabilitation of 11000 survivors of bonded labour and trafficking
- Compensation of 2800 million INR in the case of torture and bonded labour from 2010 – 2018.
Comprehensive program for model villages and model
- In 2007 organized first folk School for Dalit in model village Belwa
- In 2004 started to create child rights centric model village and created 200 child rights village in Varanasi, Sonbhadra and Jaunpur.
- In 2005, JMN/PVCHR developed torture free model villages in the selected 70 villages in eastern Uttar Pradesh in India and Jharkhand states of India.
Comprehensive program for women and children sectors
Child Survival:
- Working with 13691 people of 2726 on health and reproductive rights.
- Created 512 women and girls caders for greater awareness and consciousness among community on health, hygiene and reproductive rights
- 451 families, who first time did kitchen gardening produced 8885 kg of different types of vegetables
Child Participation:
In 2001 formed children parliament now 10 parliaments are functioning in 22 with the participation of 195 children (127 female 94 male).
Child Education:
- Providing duniyabitalim (Education for life) and ITE to 3981 children (2192 Male and 1789 Female) in 20 Madarsa of Bazardiha and Lohta
- Providing quality education to dalits and minorities children. Providing scholarship to 150 girls for the higher education and provided bi-cycle to 85 girls as freedom to girls.
- Provided human rights educations and linked with mainstream education to twenty-five thousand children and youths.
- In 2012 Built “Savitri Bai Phule women center”- a short stay home for women in Baghwanala, Varanasi. In 2002 created a platform/forum “Savitri Bai Phule Mahila Panchayat.
- Launched neo dalit campaign and organized women Folk School as a process against hegemonic masculinity.
- Provided psychological support through testimonies therapy to 1011 survivors of Gender based violence.
Program for national lobby, campaign and advocacy
- Organized Banaras Convention in 2004 and 2014
- In 2005 Conceived and convened People’s SAARC at Varanasi.
- In 2009 Formed of “National Alliance on Testimonial Therapy” (NATT)
- 2010: New branding and outlook: more professional organizational structure, website and brochure
- 2011:Established Neo dalit movement as new non-violent people’s movement to formulate positive conflict resolution all different identities against injustice, culture of silence with impunity, neo liberalism and communal fascism.
- In 2013 Submitted the comment to Justice Verma Committee Report on Gender Violence.
- Organized several multi – stakeholder interface public hearing and National conference
- Meeting with parliamentarian and policy makers
- In 2014 Organized “Satyagraha” as a human rights movement
- In 2010 submitted comment to the select committee for enactment of prevention of torture bill
- Lenin Raghuvanshi was appointed as a member of the NGO core group
- Lenin Raghuvanshi selected as National Coalition to end Bonded Labour & Human Trafficking Note and Coalition Letter
Program for international solidarity, partnership and networking
- Submitted thrice in Universal Periodic Review and report to UN special Rapporteur during their visit to India
- 2012: Dr. Lenin along with Yap Swee Seng (ED, Forum Asia) participated in Bali Democracy Forum
- Lenin Raghuvanshi was elected as a co-ordinator of South Asian Network against Torture and Impunity (SANTI)
- Book “Justice Liberty Equality: Dalits in Independent Indiai” and Margin to Centerii published by Front page publication.
- Global India project is a Horizon 2020 funded European Training Network. The network is based in Dublin City University.
- A chapter include on the work of PVCHR in book written Identity, Rights, and Awareness: Anti-caste Activism in India and the Awakening of Justice through Discursive Practicesiii,
- Chapter featured on the work of PVCHR Touching the untouchable: Dalit empowerment through consciousness- raising in an Indian village published by Routledge publicationiv
- Lenin Raghuvanshi is one of a 12-person strong Editorial board of Torture for next two years. The Torture Journal is an international scientific journal that provides an interdisciplinary forum for the exchange of original research and systematic reviews by professionals concerned with the biomedical, psychological and social interface of torture and the rehabilitation of its survivors.
- Lenin Raghuvanshi became member of advisory board at Journal of Tran disciplinary Peace Praxis (JTPP)v.
- Lenin Raghuvanshi is also member of the IRCT Datavi and Research Methods Reference Group (Data Reference Group)vii.
- Deed Indeed Foundation profiled him as ‘Tireless Service to Humanity’ and describes, “Lenin Raghuvanshi is one of the Caste System’s greatest nemeses and is one of Society’s Downtrodden’s most dynamic champions and we can all take a humane leaf from his book.”viii
- Lenin has spoken at colleges and universities across the globeix.
- Voice of voiceless newsletter
- Bachokiduniya (Children magazine: World of children)
- Manual: TT, ITE, Sadbhawana and orientation and pedagogy.
Community centers and school:
- Raja Suhail Dev Jan Mitra Sikshan Kendra, Varanasi
- Weaver center, Varanasi
- Sushil Tripathi Jan Mitra Sikshan Kendra, Sonbhadra
- Birsa Munda Jan Mitra Samudaiyik Kendra, Jaunpur
- Eklavya Jan Mitra Samudaiyik Kendra, Varanasi (kindergarden)
- Kabir Jan Mitra Samudaiyik kendra, Varanasi
- Community center, Belwa, Varanasi
- Kindergarten at Ayer and one room in Primary school at Shivrampur
- Women center, Varanasi
- Land for Government Primary School at Belwa, Varanasi
Pumping set:
- AneiMusahar ghetto 2. Sakara 3. Raup 4. Baghawanala
Geographical Focus:
Intensively in Eastern (Varanasi, Jaunpur, Sonbhadra, Allahabad, and Ambedkar Nagar) and western (Aligarh, Moradabad, Meerut, Badaun and Aligarh) regions of Uttar Pradesh and Koderma district of Jharkhand. Through networking working in 16 states of India with Involvements of 99 organizations.
Our Advocacy
We had intensified its advocacy campaigns in raising the voices of marginalised people in the pursuit of policy changes at varying levels:
- Through interface with different stakeholders
- UPR submission
- Meeting with different stakeholders
- Submission of reports and comments at NHRIs, Government and UN
We are linked with a multitude of organizations, student unions, trade unions, and grass-root level NGOs. PVCHR is member of Forum Asia (Bangkok, Thailand) and associated with Solidarity of Asian Peoples’ Advocacy (SAPA), Human Right Defender Alert, All India Network of NGOs working with National Human Rights Institutions (AINNI), NAFRE-National forum on right to education, Voice of People (VOP), Association for Communal Harmony in Asia (ACHA) based in USA, Migrant Forum in Asia, Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International, Frontline (Dublin, Ireland), National Alliance on Testimonial Therapy (NATT), Indo–German Society of Remscheid, Zebra (Austria), May 18 Foundation (Gwangju, South Korea), INSEC (Nepal), Right to food campaign(India), Namati (Global legal empowerment Network),Atma Network, Wada Na Todo,National Coalition to Eradicate Bonded Labour and Human Trafficking (India), International Rehabilitation Council for Torture Victims (IRCT)NACG-EVAC,India (National Action and Coordination Group for Ending Violence Against Children, India, a recognised National Civil society platform of South Asia Initiative to End Violence Against Children, an inter-Governmental apex body of SAARC), South Asian Network against Torture and Impunity (SANATI), CSO coalition to end child marriage in India (Formed in support of the NHRC-SAIEVAC National Conference to End Child Marriage in India), The International Network of Psychologists for Social Responsibility (INPsySR) and Partnership to End Violence against Children etc.
Our target communities:
- Tribes (Ghasia, Kol and Bihor)
- Muslim minorities
- Dalits (Chamar and Musahar)
- Other backward caste:
- Membership: 72000 as neo dalit communities comprising progressive people from upper caste, OBC, tribal and minorities
Our current project:
Children and youth Participation and education and empowerment
- Tata trust
- Child Rights and You (CRY)
- Childline India Foundation
Torture and organized violence including slavery
- Indo – German Society of Remscheid and DIG
- United Nation Trust Fund for Torture Victims
- International Rehabilitation council for torture victims
- Harihar Associates Private Limited Company
Individual donor: for emergency and Direct Support
- Parul Sharma, Sweden
- Helma Ritscher, Germany
- 2001: Ashoka Fellowship
- 2007: Gwangju Human Rights
- 2008: ACHA Star Peace Award
- 2010: International Human Rights Award of Weimar, Germany
- 2012: Karmveer Award
- 2016: M.A Thomas Human Rights Award
- 2016: Wockhardt foundation selected him as a Child Rights Activist of the year in a nationwide online voting
- In September 2017, India Times listed Lenin Raghuvanshi as one of the 11 Human Rights Activists in India whose Life Mission is to provide others With A Dignified Lifex
- 2018: Public Peace Prize
- 2018: Bharatiya Manavata Vikas Purskar
- 2018: Special Mention award Of Human Rights of The French Republic
- 2018: Public Peace Prize
- 2019: Karmaveer Maharatna Award
- Many local, regional and national awards
- Sant Vivek Das, Head Priest, Kabir Panth
- Lenin Raghuvanshi, Social activist
- Dr. Mahendra Pratap, Historian
- Shruti Nagvanshi, Women rights activist
- Gyanedra Pati, Poet
Structure of organization:
Board of Trustee:
- Sant. Vivek Das: Chairperson
- Shruti Nagvannshi: Managing Trustee
- Lal Bahadur Ram: Trustee
- Dr. Mahendra Pratap Singh: Trustee
- Prof. Shahena Rizvi: Trustee
Governing Board:
- Dr. Mahendra Pratap Singh: President
- Prof. Shahena Rizvi: Vice – President
- Raghib Ali: Vice – President
- Vallabhacharya Pandey: Member Secretary
- Mohd. Arif: Member Secretary
- Iftekhar Ahmad: Member
- Idrish Ansari: Member
- Sandhya Mishra: Member
- Rajinder: Member
- Ghanshyam: Member
- Lallan Jaiswar
Chief Functionary/CEO/Executive Director: Lenin Raghuvanshi
Secretary General: Jai Kumar Mishra
Management Committee
- Lenin Raghuvanshi
- Shirin Shabana Khan
- Anup Kumar Srivastava
- Rinku Pandey
- Anand Nishad
- Chhaya Kumari
- Pratima Pandey
- Farhat Saba Khanam
- Jyoti Kumari
- Hemlata
